Monday, November 21, 2011

Tirosint: One Month Review

It is a little over a month since I began taking Tirosint. I have to say that it is working pretty well for me.
My energy and stamina are much better. My hair fell out in clumps at first when I started taking it, but I have a lot of new growth coming in and that is exciting. My joints are less sore. Exercise feels like fun, instead of torture to endure. I have lost a bit of weight, but am finally getting more muscle definition from exercising since starting the Tirosint. It takes so much effort and the return seems so tiny when your thyroid is not working well. This new medicine makes me feel more normal in that sense.

I really like this Tirosint, and hope that it is here to stay. Since it is new, my pharmacy had difficulty keeping it in stock for me. Switching to a larger pharmacy seemed to help.

Best wishes to those trying out Tirosint as well.

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