Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weight Loss and Better Skin with Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is, obviously, extracted from the meat of the coconut. This oil is beneficial for weight loss, digestion, various skin conditions, and more.

How can fat promote better health? Is it hype? Is there actual evidence? 

Coconut oil was something I'd heard about years ago. A friend read a book about its health benefits and convinced me to read the book. The author struck me as a used car salesman type of person, so I dismissed his book and all thoughts of coconut oil. Besides, fats are bad for you. So I thought.

Several months ago, feeling unwell and desperate to feel better and lose weight, I started looking into lower carb diets. I stumbled upon coconut oil again and began serious research. What I found convinced me that it was worth incorporating into my diet. The first spoonful in my hot herbal tea had me hooked. Coconut oil was here to stay.

Here is some of the research that helped me make my decision.

Bruce Fife, ND has around 18 books on the subject, and he writes about actual scientific research. This got my attention. He also helps run a website full of free information about coconut oil and its uses. A brief summary of the introduction purports that coconut oil does the following:

1. Supports thyroid function
2. Supports weight loss
3. Supports the liver
4. Heals eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff
5. Kills bacteria, fungus, and yeast

The website is Coconut Research Center and in addition to scientific research, there is a support center and success stories. I am not affiliated or paid by them. I just think it is a great site with a lot of helpful information.

Coconut oil's structure and composition make it unique and are responsible for its health benefits. It is made up of medium chain fatty acids (MCF) whereas most other oils people consume are made up of long chain fatty acids (LCF). Medium chain fatty acids are easier for the body to break down and use, and do not get stored as fat. This gives the liver a break and contributes to increased energy and weight loss.

Dr. Fife has an article summarizing a lot of research explaining why coconut oil increases metabolism and is good for the underactive thyroid. I highly recommend reading it.

Where can you go to buy coconut oil? You can find it at a health food store, and if you are lucky, at your grocery store in the health food section. It MUST be the virgin oil. Refined oil is of no benefit. Organic is best if you can find it. You know it is the right kind if it is solid at room temperature.

I know that for myself, that eating coconut oil and applying it to my skin has helped a lot. My stomach is less bloated, my waist is smaller, and my chronic dry skin is much improved. Read the research and if you think it is for you, buy a jar and see for yourself.

Here are some informative links.

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