Friday, November 4, 2011

Stress Eating: My Experience

My daughter is going to need major dental work. She is not even three, but her baby teeth are in bad shape. She eats healthy foods and gets a good teeth brushing every night, but she was not blessed with strong baby teeth. My pregnancy was a difficult ordeal; we both barely survived and I suspect it affected the formation of her poor little teeth. Alas, I am no expert and it doesn't matter now.

So lately it has been hard to keep sugary foods out of my mouth. I was doing so well for months with no sugar, no chocolate, and no caffeine. Well, all three of my old "friends" have come back into my life these past few weeks and my waistline is starting to protest.

I've been searching the web and found some tips to help deal with my stress and get back on track with healthful eating. Click on the links below to see what I found.

1. Ayurvedic rules for stress eating: Drink warm tea instead of eating junk when you are upset.
2. Kundalini Yoga: This may not look like the yoga you've seen on television or most workout dvd's but my experience with it has been extremely positive. I will take a few minutes every day to practice and reap the anti-stress benefits.
3. Address adrenal fatigue: Stress causes hormonal imbalances. There are ways to correct and repair your glands. Good Stress Supplements can help.

It won't be easy because stress doesn't just disappear; it tends to accumulate and grow larger. At least I have a few tools to take care of myself and live better.

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